Email replies from May 3rd about [Email to Frontiers in Human Neuroscience about a manuscript submission] [en]

09 May 2022

For now, Monday 9th May 2022, I have received responses from the two Topic Editors on Monday 3rd May 2022. These are pasted below.

I noted also :

发件人:baingio xxx@xxx.xx [email erased by TT]
时 间:2022年5月3日(星期二)上午6 : 56 纯文本
收件人:Reeves, Adam xxx@xxx.xx [email erased by TT]
抄 送:T.Tzvetanov; Frontiers In Human Neuroscience Editorial Office; tzvetomir.tzvetanov; tzvetan

Dear Dr. Tzvetanov,

I totally share Prof. Reeves’s words. I agree to cancel the submission.

Sorry for this unfortunate and painful dispute.

Kind regards,


Il giorno 3 mag 2022, alle ore 00:40, Reeves, Adam xxx@xxx.xx [email erased by TT] ha scritto:

Dear Dr. Tzvetanov, How unfortunate for you and the other authors. I propose that this submission be cancelled. Clearly we cannot review or publish a paper whose author list is in dispute.

It seems that you will need time to assess this work, revise it as needed, and sort out who is to be listed as an author and in what order. When that is done, you may wish to re-submit to our Special Topic, or agree with the remaining authors to submit elsewhere.

I am not sure what the next step is. The general editor (Dr. Shim) might write a letter to the other authors explaining the situation, and the policy of Frontiers.

Adam Reeves