Suite à des écrits dans un groupe Wechat de chercheurs européens, et à ma réponse ;
Suite à ma publication ‘je ne suis pas’ (ici)
Suite à mes ‘Avertissements’ (ici) et ‘Avertissements 2’ (ici) ;
Je tiens à rendre public mes principaux messages que j’ai mis dans ce groupe Wechat. Au moment où je l’ai quitté, ce groupe avait environ 400 membres, je crois majoritairement des scientifiques basés en R.P.Chine. Mais aussi des personnes qui ont ou avaient des relations de travail avec la Chine.
J’ai quitté ce groupe car je considère que je ne pouvais plus avoir d’écrits équilibrés à mettre, ni de possibles interactions et échanges intéressants.
Je laisse tout lecteur de mes message ci-dessous se faire son opinion.
Posté à la date 2024-03-31 sur le groupe Wechat:
I was writing about factual scientific contradiction. The editors left the original stuff. Shit continues to be spread cause better don’t acknowledge they did shit… Scientists are clever persons. They can see themselves correct and wrong works.
So, later, the whole Elife publication principle changed to smthg I find weird. In fact, nowadays you pay to have your preprint to be just listed in Elife website ! Because some anonymous (unpaid) colleagues did their job on the preprint… Weird situation… Ah, I forgot! The most important is, an important Editor decides what goes into Elife and that your work is important… Sorry… Scientifically important…
butt, I understand too.20:45
the most ‘amusing’, are the time correlations between messages of normally unrelated persons. Feels like I am in “Truman’s show”. since long. The weird part, the danger. At least in Truman’s movie there wasn’t… And it is someone, me, not in some shitty networks that writes this. So…
just nothing. I butt’round.20:53
And one last important point. A French speaking Chinese told me: the reward for infos about a ‘caught spy’ is 500kCNY. I think he was communist Party member. It took me time to realise what that person meant. I consider that people tried to make me such a person, since at least 2017. + other issues, many. I am still in PRC. So, please, be careful. That’s all.21:23
Bye.You’ve left the group chat
Posté à la date 2023-06-16 sur le groupe Wechat:
Dear @all, an explanation for “recent” people in the group (joined after ~2022/01 or may be even 2021). I have joined this group chat on 16th sept. 2019 at that time about ~100 persons, just before an EU researchers meeting in Beijing (2019/09/19-20); the above history contains all my messages that i have put in this group; some are very explicit (“mafia like behaviour” etc.). Since me joining, a lot of things happened. In the recent weeks i made some statements that I resigned my work permits etc. because of issues that happened with my last public employer in PRC. I am absolutely sure that this employer has good technical reasons to claim i am wrong. I am also absolutely sure that this employer (and other networks) also has really no good reason to go public with it because it was not done correctly. Really far, and I can prove it, and I informed the EU and France diplomatic services; I received a response: “when will this all finish?”. And then fonny things happened, really fonny! So this is a warning. Not to the persons that contact me recently to send me “hidden” messages, but to the real officials within whatever EU service, or any EU, or European, country diplomatic services. Given that in this group there are some members from the diplomatic sides, I invite them to carefully look in my messages. I tried to contact diplomatic services from sept.2019; it was a very strange experience, letters disappearing, people telling me to “give what they want”, irrespective of how one arrives at that point etc (did they know since long this was a std protocol applied by some chinese sides?). Of course, 2020 arrived and all the mess; and it helped them to make themselves “nice” and polite and whatever; at least when they speak behind the curtains… so this is my main message: If anything happens to me or a member of family, it will not be an accident. Bon courage a tous!
— Start : History of my posts on the Wechat group Eur.Researchers in China ; put on 2023-06-16 —
i would suggest to meet at the proposed “Quiz” bar/pub. it’s in the area of the meeting, and i suppose of most people coming outside Beijing, like me. what about 19:30-20:00? then we can see availability17:08
well… in the area, in Beijing standards. SanLiTun.20:44
@X we changed the place. we are at the “The Local”, on the side of the Czech restaurant, here the location40:45
no place in Qmex2019-10-14
@X @X @X -I agree with @X with the purpose why this Wechat group was created; at least from my understanding, for putting all EU researcher together and gather news and infos about EU-based actions for helping us all -i.e. networking on a broader level, discussing work related issues, etc. How do we go on with this group ? Would everyone accept posts about: archeology, high-particle physics, psychology, international political/social studies, material sciences, plant sciences, mathematics, language and so on ? we are soon 100 to be on the group and surely (I hope) it will grow larger.
I think the Euraxess-organisers should put some “Group notice” for the origin of the group, and may be find a way to get a message when one enters (as in official accounts) with some explanations.
Concerning the purpose of the group, I personally would prefer that it stays on the level of global EU researchers reaching for infos and issues with regard to our work and networking. That is, all of us together. Organising the things in more specialised networking for me would be a separate group, or may be much better some action could be taken from Euraxess-China to get smthg on the official Euraxess Wechat account with “open” notices from EU-researchers based in China for coming events as seminars/conferences/meetings that people can rapidly advertise there and then everyone can get a weekly letter.
I am sorry, but @X has made a good point.
btw I liked the more general links and news put earlier.2019-10-25
And actually this link is also about the new permanent residence/long term residency rules, as quite a few of us are in this case! interesting! Thx! for your specific question, i would go for legal advice too.2019-10-28
[Lien vers une info “Now expats don’t need to visit Police Station when com]
For information. myself, i was astonished when i came back to Hefei from France end of August, the police officer told me next time i need just to give a phone call (but i wondered how i will make myself understand… nonetheless, it’s a great step forward in my opinion)2020-01-16
Hello! @X and others: I have a question concerning simple security issue with the web site listed above and in the email that I received from the EURAXESS. Why does the web site forbid its access through https:// ? (actually the https version simply does not exists). One can ONLY login through classic http://. This is very dangerous for passwords ! Extremely easy to get stolen!
See the snapshot pasted below.16:53
I am asking because my current employer, HFUT, had the policy of forbidding email access on internet through https:// … until i officially asked the institute and then they created it. BUT, then my colleagues (un)officially and orally told me during a lab meeting that I must stop asking questions; any questions…
Well, i did not stop.2020-07-27
@X : from “It seems to me…” ! That is what needs to be told to any new comers. They need to know how it works if things turn out not as sunny (actually - normal) as expected. I would suggest to emphasize this by rephrasing your statement : “Need to have excellent Chinese language skills and in-depth cultural knowledge to understand the system and to be able to work and live in the country.” I would propose to put it in any job advertisement. But I contend your statement is of someone that has long experience in PRC. Very nicely put.17:07
this is a post from the NIA-National Immigration Administration’s Wechat account. The stories about the ‘crooked nuts’ seem to me all well described by the X’s statement. i find the use in the title of the post of the term WaiGuoRen rather inappropriate, though some Chinese told me “it’s a cute comparison”17:27
@X yes, i know; actually i know that some of my not so positive experiences, other Chinese colleagues had it too; i did discuss, privately, with other Chinese; but I do not agree that “fleeing to another country” seem a proper leverage; based on my own experience, i think some Chinese also use this argument for pushing things too far on us, the “foreigners”; I did not come here “to see and flee”; i came to live and work2020-09-18
@X : I would agree with @X, you need to make it clear, in a written form in the paper/manuscript, the funds for publication, and authorship rank. It’s your money, from your salary. Another point from your comment: “foreigners in my lab should pay themselves” - do i understand it does not apply to Chinese students? And you should consider where comes your “pay” from. If it’s some special foreign student funds, then you have to check how much is given to the lab for your presence, also publication costs. If not, then you should be treated equally with the other students, irrespective of your nationality.10:01
@X : stop asking orally people. See what happens if you send a simple WRITTEN request/question, about your simple problem, and in a correct tone, without directly involving a particular person! It’s very well presented in the post shared here by X. Always be fuzzy about who is responsible, but state your question openly, in written, so that it can be processed by the system. If no answer, then you have factual elements to argue about your demand for your manuscript (authorship, funds for publication, etc.)2021-03-12
[Someone posts a link to “Chinese management style leaves western researchers cold”, 2021-03-11, Joyce Lau, Times Higher Education]
@X : interesting! Thx! For the second article, about management, I think it totally misses half of the facts, that half of the institutional decision power is shared with the party secretary of the Institute and other party members ( I did not succeed to understand the details in my two universities where I worked). Consequence, we, as foreigners, are left to be “chapeauté” (sorry, don’t find the English term now) by colleagues or scientific superiors w.r.t. half of the important decision making. Always goes through an “intermediary” in order to be on the safe side, not for us or the intermediary.2021-05-24
@X: uni libraries can check nation wide presence of a book, if there is no one locally in the city unis they can order it outside, from another city universities.2021-05-26
@X: see the group notice. There is a meeting in Beijing toward end of June (I am not sure registration is still open and costs covering still available–> ask the group manager)2021-09-03
The French Embassy announced that French persons with still valid stay document (visa, green card,…) are now free to enter PRC without need of any new visa/document application. Don’t know if it has been also done with other EU countries. Interested people should check the news of their embassies.18:42
(But the other rules for entering - quarantine, etc. - are still there)20:30
Well, I was just mentioning a 1-year old administrative barrier that fell down… for French (I know, a small nb in the already small nb of foreigners in PRC). But a positive one, from my point of view, in our every day’s lives of all that we see here, around us. I really hope other nationals will follow rapidly, of course EUs, but others too.2021-10-01
[ a link to an article “GZ: inbound intl arrivals need a 21-day centralized quarantine”, dans le Wechat de GDToday,]
this was in the (Wechat) news for the Canton Fair. then you can imagine what it means for intl confs for people in PRC. I just wonder how to do on a personal level, for revisiting family+friends in Europe. now that Guangzhou built a permanent 5000 rooms quarantine “centre”. it seems that’s the new world our kids will grow in.2021-10-21
may be you can try to argue that it is for scientific research. When i bought a wireless EEG system from US (at end of 2017), they did not want to let it in (Shanghai customs) because it was a medical device! Luckily, my (former) student was helping and succeeded to discuss with them and convinced them it was only for research purposes within the university.10:45
and the University/lab address and some administrative points were needed; dont recall all details.2021-12-09
Well, is there any person that did not succeed to put his/her kids in a school? ( that would be the argument of the opposite side); btw, there is a law stating that a foreign nationality child must spend smthg like minimum 14-16 months “abroad” to be authorized to register in a PRC university. I know one case, the child graduated from high-school (the now grown up did all education in PRC public school, being a foreigner) but has to go attend outside China higher level education. The parent informed the French consulate in Shanghai, that seemed not aware of this, cause it was the first case they heard of. There will be more such cases coming11:32
Agree; my point was about children having foreign nationality but still attending PRC public school. Which is the case of some of us.2022-01-19
[there is a debate about “subtilities, nuances etc.” concerning communication in scientific environment and “research diplomacy”. Mainly two protagonists doing argumentation]
@X : subtleties, nuances, etc. work when you’re discussing with a person/group sharing the same ideas of exchanging opinions, work experience, within work environment improvement and so on. I did not realize, until late, i was dealing with Trex type of various “Shantou”. To make my point clear, I observed and interacted with students totally closed to open dialogue (even on science projects we worked together - just interested in my knowledge), some using very peculiar type of Chinese phrases/discourses (and i think knew the meaning), I had a party secretary of the institute (Uni directly under Minister of Education) who, unexpectedly seeing me inside elevator at door opening, spontaneously made me a deep reverence/bow of respect (that happened in late nov. 2019), which totally amazed me and rather scared me because I had never direct interaction with that person, and for me that behaviour meant that they all (not only the party leading the country) follow through various means my doings within and outside work -> but importantly refuse to do anything directly with me to settle (even not improve) the situation ! Always using an intermediary - with the worst situation, putting my own Chinese family (wife, but also other family members) in-between !
To end-up, you’re right, and @X too, just in different contexts. The overall situation is really not good, and as one person here, some time ago, put it, we might just be “peons”, i would prefer the term qi (棋), of some more global geopolitical “game” that some group of persons are playing with us. All of us.
It is a pity that our community, at EU level, is not defending itself on that level. single country level is very very far from being sufficient, even heavy weights like Fr, Ge, Uk.13:31
@X : i do not think we are now at this level. I think the time period asks for important decisions, putting each of all EU researchers with position in public national/province unis/institutes under a public uni/institute of a EU country. This will make the situation for each of them much less cumbersome. And will be a clear signal to the Chinese side. Of course, it needs will and decisions at EU level.2022-01-25
it’s the same in Shenzhen. Only some places deliver vaccines to foreigners. i discovered it when i asked the Shenzhen University hospital, and they don’t do it for foreigners2022-02-16
@X : I did it in january-june 2017. it was a “starting from scratch”; the 2nd university had to redo all procedures and all papers (for work permit and residence permit). If previous work and resident permits are still valid for some time, things could be done with some delay (my case at that time, about 3-6 months delay).20:48
Not at all. I simply… forgot and the Institute and admins too! until i think the uni foreign dpt reminded us about it. But my previous permits were valid until end 19, at that time20:58
That is not totally true. Actually the permits demand is made by both, employer and employee, specially work permit. But Either side can cancel 1) Work permit (mandatory max up to 10 days after end of work contract, but at any time otherwise during work period,o when one wants to quit and no agreement from both sides; … Now I know…); 2) residence permit (must be changed within 1 month of end of work contract to the new adjusted situation) .21:10
What I realised, is that the employer makes you sign their papers for cancelling the permits… And they process it. In fact, you’re responsible for your papers and permits; my second employer even did not want to give me the foreign expert card when it was made, while it is mandatory that the person keeps it it herself. I had to insist!
Imagine the traffic police keeping your driving licence because you could lose it… (That was the given reason)2022-02-23
[Link to “Full text: Regulations on protection of rights and interests of foreign investors in Guangdong province”, GDToday]2022-04-11
Question and Information for persons with a Chinese spouse and kids in the family. I received information from one foreigner that his kid get additionally also the Chinese nationality, officially allowed to keep also its original one, a non-Chinese. Happened in Anhui. The explanation is that there is a new law for “special talented kids” (my own understanding). Anyone here has heard of other such cases around?19:45
Just getting 18. The “time to choose”2022-04-20
I am rereading “Uncle Tom’s cabin” (see
oups, not the good chat… Sorry!2022-05-19
Some facts: PRC does not have anymore an Ambassador to the EU anymore; Germany still does not have one Ambassador to PRC; France does not have a Consul in Wuhan; the Ambassador of the EU Delegation (N.Chapuis) to PRC finishes its time period this summer - any replacement or for reciprocity with PRC there will be no one ? We, EU Scientists in PRC, do not have a Science & Innovation head in the EU Delegation since the retirement of the last one, Dr. Philippe Vialatte.10:13
Am I missing something ?12:10
@X: thank you! Information is always welcome.2022-06-02
Soon we’ll have to use emails to send we chat messages… Or Facebook ones, or Twitter ones… We are so lucky in EU, we don’t have our own such social media platforms, no worries of harmony2022-06-09
“Compensation” is written in the contract. My last contract stipulated, in written, that I had to “reimburse”,or pay a fee, if I cancel earlier. The fee was proportional to the period not worked! And I know of another person employed on a 10 months contract (uni language teacher), where cancelling had to be notified minimum 6 months before or pay a fee of smthg like 20kRMB… It must be written in the contract, or have a written official statement.21:38
I had to pay 5kRMB a lawyer to find out this info! And also saw how the “law” system and lawyers are controlled. And this happened only after some serious things started (which later got worse)21:42
I have a doc, my contract with a university under the Min.of Educ., not a local provincial one, to prove it.22:02
Anecdote: we were invited once in Shenzhen at the home of a Chinese. A neighbour passed too and in the conversation my wife asked how they succeeded to make a living in Shenzhen. The answer was, with an expression that I interpreted as a bitter face, “用力”. It appears to me that “illegal” things, or close to, can make group of people and institutions act in a rather peculiar way, which put others in very difficult situations. So, “用力”, may be at some time point is necessary. Keep it in mind. And stay safe.2022-07-09
Well, If you are notified by a publisher that your manuscript draft was submitted (with some changes), your name on it not at the proper place, neither asked or informed by the other coauthors about it beforehand, with 2 coauthors you don’t know and you’re sure they did nothing in the project you supervised, a ms draft left aside for quite some time for various reasons, of a study you created and supervised scientifically and technically, well, you’ve arrived at my stage.15:00
I wrote to the 2 editors, and the specialty editor, proposing two options. They took the one retracting the submission. @X15:22
Forgot, i sent my email also to the Editorial Board Members and Office of the journal2022-08-29
This looks as tips for the private sector. Sad the EU delegation, after so many gatherings and info sharing, did not provide tips how to avoid not legal terms in contracts with public institutions and how to negotiate in case of strong disagreements, in order to avoid “mafia like” behaviours.09:20
I did not see incompetence in the public system. And I agree that we need to know the legal situation. Just how to explain this to newcomers (?): “please, read the law of P.R.China before coming!”. Myself, before coming in August [20]13, I went through some readings of non-Chinese experiences in P.R.China before arriving. Still did not expect such a situation and behaviour.2022-08-31
very impressive! hope the foreign attendees were explained where they were going, not just for “some foreign expert gathering, just drinking tea and chatting” as was my experience with my last uni and a provincial level very formal meeting as in the pics of X’s shared link…18:41
in my case not at all ! actually the foreigners were there only for the pics and TV report, and i think for the party report that foreigners attended this important provincial meeting. The meeting was about Chinese workers (selected good workers i suppose) reporting to the provincial heads how they implemented whatever regulations and better conditions for overall work improvement etc. Very impressive meeting and interesting about how the political system works; persons reporting were from various political parties, not only the CPC.2022-09-10
@X: The best would be to officially report this to the Institute, in some “official Chinese way”; e.g. “ (official greeting), on (date) when coming back from (work, field study) with the university shuttle, we arrived around (time). Due to official epidemic prevention reasons, my Chinese colleagues were let in the campus and I was asked to find my own accommodation for the night on the spot, outside the campus; (if living in the campus, put here). I am asking, as a foreign student member of the university, to be treated at equal level as a student of the university, under the applicable law and it’s duties. (Official respectful greetings)
If the person can write Chinese, put also the Chinese version, if not then translate it simply with online system (Bing,Baidu, ggooogle; and put “translated with…”) (I had such feedbacks from official HR dpt…).
One can polish it a little, with personal touches.
Of course, one can make it sound much harder, but from my own experience, that should come much later, if the responses and behaviours of the whole system/institution becomes awkward.09:43
Btw, in my last lab, there was a German PhD student that one day simply disappeared (I did not see him anymore around), which was so strange for me. We had only once a contact, very brief. Then later I found him on LinkedIn, and i understood that they got rid of him with even not letting him finish his PhD. I think I am one of the rare persons that can say “I saw a draft of a paper with him as coauthor; I saw him working in an experimental room”, but officially there are no publications with him in the lab. Weird things happen, and people can be very shitty but still smile to you and give you honey words.
As one French in Guangdong much later told to me: “il y a des gens qui vous sourient en même temps qu’ils vous plantent un couteau dans le dos”. it was a general comment about human nature, i suppose. Which I already knew from my EU experiences.2022-09-15
may be a bit side topic; i just discovered that we can have now a “state of the Union” of EU… i hope this will allow a better EU researchers’ support from the “Union” (?)2022-09-17
Finally I read someone here openly saying what I had to do in a lab for 3 years in one of “the best of the best of the best” (ref: M.I.B. 1, Will Smith) university… And then when i was not the main author, neither the study leader, a strange thing happened. I was already out of the lab+uni, but it was out of question to leave it uncorrected. After everything that happened since about 2015 around me, I now believe it was not “a stupid mistake”, neither a student obeying a stupid order from a postdoc. But of course it is my belief.2022-09-18
That reminds to me the NIA official Wechat post, 2 years ago, entitled smthg like “don’t give jobs to 歪果仁”…20:34
National immigration administration, NIA2022-10-16
As usual, information is not evenly distributed. With few lucky ones… Looks like poker game to come live and work in PRC. And I speak from a married to Chinese point of view.
When will EU delegation start to centralize basic information? even about official govt web sites in Chinese, the relevant ones with links; there is online translation tools now, easy to use for us. @X @X
Though the main flow is outgoing there are people also coming!2022-12-06
@X : I wanted to give my own two pennies advice; but i contend with most of the above ones and i decided to give a 3rd penny:
3rd penny: you are a master of PRC rules and regulations, Chinese high-level proficiency, ie HSK6+, master of the crypto-admin-language for writing letters in Chinese and making your point through the various Super-Mario-style traps put on your way to succeeding to work in Science and publish your own work with your standards!2022-12-08
I like the end of the title question. I shared my opinion-answer, 3rd penny to X for all ;
one should not forget that PRC politics and thus life is a nonlinear dynamic system with ~8 known variables (parties), with one major variable, plus some hidden unknown variables, with strongly loose connections in-between changing over time; I think it is important for newcomers to get a good feeling about these issues, since it directly impacts their forthcoming work and life.
at least the covid19 rules are relaxed for now.2023-02-03
Chinese embassy helps all Chinese. all of them (though some I suppose don’t look for help).2023-03-08
you should pay attention to the last sentence of the french article “Tant que les chercheurs russes ne font pas de vagues, il n’y a pas de raison d’annuler leurs contrats.” So interestingly expressed. And i am currently re-reading a french book “Récidive. 1938”, from Michael Foessel; he analysed some main french press of 1938 to see how the mainstream mentality in France slipped to the conditions that gave the years that followed2023-03-13
Hello! Can smbdy help and check the access to ? I tried to connect from two different IPs addresses (2 different provinces) and it’s blocked. weird. It’s supposed to be EU backed scientific sharing site, CERN is managing it i think. i don’t have a very personalised namibian [here used for VPN] access. if such websites start being hardly accessible :/2023-04-01
Very funny!
in my last contract with HFUT, there was a clause stating that if my contract ends earlier than the due date, I had to pay a fee proportional to the time I had not worked in the university. Since I left earlier, they tried to make me pay them this fee. I had, earlier, paid a lawyer for another question, where actually the lawyer gave as main infos that this clause was not legal… And I did not get the answer to my real question. This is not the place to explain how I ended up to ask a lawyer and the reason why, but getting an answer I did not ask and not to the question I asked was very informative.2023-04-06
My ‘permanent’ contract at HFUT at the time was for 5 years, renewable, associate professor. I was told that it was the same as the one given to Chinese too.13:43
It depends on what you want to do on mid or long term. I chose the Chinese way. Did not expect the amount of ‘luege und betruge’ from so many persons that came. i learned that it’s normal here and other places too, outside PRC.
as X said, don’t expect a fair treatment… Actually I would advise persons to be maniacally paranoid and keep any type of proofs in the case others try to fool you (in many many ways) and the person wants correct treatment.14:14
You really need to have a proof of everything. I sent a letter by kuaidi to a person in the French consulate, in Jan.2020. It came back with a mention ‘无’, the kuaidi guy telling me there is no such person there. He kindly proposed that I put the content of my letter in a new bag and resend it. I refused. Simply put the full bag with the hand written WU on it in a new bag and resend the letter this time to the consul, with a small cover letter with explanation. I received an email from the original person that he received my letter. Finally…2023-05-18
I have done it. At that time, lots of people (purposely?) made me confused of the processus to follow. It’s not difficult. But you will need to be careful !21:22
from administrative point of view, you have two things to do: 1. send your resignation letter to your employer; 2. inform the public administration dealing with work permit (typically churujingju=出入境据) that you have resigned from your work contract (end date is important); THEN -> You are allowed to stay up to 30 days in PRC, from official end of your contract, for finding a new job … !
Typically, point 2. is generally done with the employer, BUT the employee is allowed to do it him/herself (in case of issues with employer…)
And then this administrion goes to the employer to check what is going on… why a foreign employee is leaving before end of contract
so, yes, your employer may do a lot for you not to quit the job position, even if it makes bad environment for working within the workplace. That’s really not important, it appeared to me at that time. And it destroys your own work experience-schedule, but that is not important for the employer21:29
@X : or you do it the Chinese way, if you have stayed long enough: you negotiate to be still attached at the place you want to leave, so they keep you name on their papers (and your publications), AND also get the agreement with the new working place. I have seen people, Chinese, doing this way. Now, it depends how good you are at negotiating; For me there was no question; i had to leave.21:34
I forgot, what i mean is that your current work visa allows you to stay 30 days more in PRC. This gives you time to apply for a new visa (whatever type: family, tourist, new work visa…)21:49
The difficulty is how the two institutions will negotiate, and you too, about who will carry the “official burden” of employment (with all that goes with it), in such a way that all are happy; you may also talk with the place you “wish” to quit; in fact from your point of view they make troubles to you …2023-05-19
Good morning. small correction: for the Work permit, it is not the entry-exit administration dealing with it. It’s a different one. Sorry for the mistake.2023-05-30
Why not ask our embassies to make a little leaflet of few hundreds of pages, with Chinese-way to present what they know happened to scientists from our countries?2023-06-09
[a newly coming person for working in PRC posts questions about start of employement]08:46
1 registration by police (if you first stay in a hotel they do it automatically for you; any hotel receiving foreigners must inform some local police bureau and register they stay; if you stay by some “private” home, then you must register yourself within 24h of your arrival; i personally think that even Uni/Institute temporary residencies work that way; but better ask them if you stay in such a place)
2 For all remaining “work” related issues applications (bank account, residence permit, work permit…), actually your employer (an uni or institute) has a foreign department that deals with all this, ‘cause they have to apply with you for these papers (work+residence permit); they know it, so you have to contact your direct “supervisor” and ask him/her for the procedure; then that person will contact the foreign dpt (if not already done, given that you were proposed the position, they know you arrive) and they will arrange things with you
Welcome to PRC!08:50
and the bank, you cannot choose freely, each Uni/Institute works specifically with one bank for salaries; so you employer will tell you which one (same comment as X)09:07
there are many “walls” in PRC (even the Great Wall is not a continuous wall, but many different pieces); so you frequently dont know against what you stumble… just before you hit head-on the invisible wall you did not see; i think that’s all the learning anyone in PRC has to go through, discover the very light cues about their presence and how to be careful;09:36
yes, i totally agree. During my 6 years in the PRC public scientific system (first CAS, then Min.of Educ.) i always asked for help for any “certain things” that i wanted to do, actually any work related.
Then, afterwards, i heard people tell me “you always do first and then you ask for excuse because you did not know”; there are many fonny things everywhere, not only in PRC; and i am not a fan of digging in these; just wanted doin’ science; And i have no problem in explaining things; seems that now plenty of other persons dont want that; including people in this group that i have contacted officially before, and then more fonny things happened around me
— End: History of my posts on the Wechat group Eur.Researchers in China ; put on 2023-06-16 —